Monday, 23 March 2015

Cattle and Sheep

Our housesit is going good, the area is lovely that we are living in and the weather is quite mild at the moment.
Apart from the domestic animals in our care we are also looking after some cattle and sheep. 
So far, they all seem easy to care for. This year we have some bulls, we have never had to look after bulls before, so we are a little wary of them and watch them carefully. 


This young heifer is a cutie!


And the sheep (newly shorn).


Here in New Zealand we are just entering into Autumn (Fall in the Northern Hemisphere) but at the moment it is still quite warm. We have been staying close to home for a few days so the animals get used to us but will venture further away to explore soon.



  1. What a neat adventure, and getting a chance to enjoy this countryside makes me very envious. I'm not so sure about the bulls, though. :-)

    1. New Zealand is a beautiful country, lots of good walks here DJan!

  2. I think your house sitting is a great way to see new places and experience new things (bulls, for example). I think you should probably be a bit wary of them.

  3. Linda, that's why we do it. A chance to experience life in a different place and for us city slickers, a big change!
