Wednesday 4 February 2015

Brisbane Public Art

In my Brisbane Greeter role, I like to show our visitors some of our public art works and we have a lot! You just need to know where they are. Two of my favourites are in the courts complex in George Street. This one called 'Eyes are Singing Out' by Yayoi Kusama from Japan is outside the Brisbane Supreme and District Courts. She is in her 80s and has lived voluntarily in a mental hospital since the 1970s but still continues to work from her studio close by the hospital. It's 90 metres long with a coffee shop in the middle. I find it quite an appropriate piece of art for the courts, as the unblinking eyes are forever watching the process of justice.



Outside the Brisbane Magistrates Court is 'Confluence' by Daniel Templeman a Brisbane born artist. The artist states....that the work begins with a sense of calm, building up intensity towards the 'obstacle' before penetrating it and returning to a 'resolved' state. I like the lines of this sculpture, like a rolling wave!




  1. How interesting, both the story of the artist and her art. I love strolling through a city and discovering works like these, out there where people can enjoy and appreciate them in their everyday life. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like both of them. The sculpture looks like it's fluid! :-)
