Sunday, 5 October 2014

A Special Housesit

We are spending 5 days in Canberra and for my overseas readers, Canberra is the capital of Australia and about a 1 hour 40 minute flight from our home in Brisbane. 
I guess you could call this weekend 'a housesit' even though it is for our daughter and son in law. 
They are away for the weekend enjoying some rare free time without the children. We offered to fly down and not only 'housesit' for them, looking after the house and the pets but to care for the grandchildren too. I don't think normal housesits include looking after children but of course, grandchildren are extra special!



Our granddaughter is 2.5 years old and our grandson is 10 months. A big job to take on but they are well behaved and very happy children and a joy to look after. 
It's quite a warm weekend in Canberra and very pleasant outside so yesterday we took them for a bus ride to the local shopping centre and at that age, bus and escalator rides are fun. Also a walk to the park to play keeps them amused and happy!



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