Sunday, 14 September 2014

Visiting the Spring Festival

The Upper Hutt Spring Festival was on yesterday, so we decided to go and see what it was all about. Quite a lot of stalls were set up in the main street which was closed for the day. There were the usual arts and crafts, second hand book stalls, lots of different foods and rides for the children. It must be a highlight for the locals as there was a very good turnout.


There were some wonderful vintage cars to look at including this beautifully restored hearse.



When we arrived here 3 weeks ago, the branches of this tree were bare and now look at it! Blossoms everywhere, I have no idea what kind of tree it is, if anyone does, please let me know.


We were so lucky yesterday morning because we were given a little gift, a dead rat left in the hallway. It was obviously from one of these cuddly cats but neither of them are saying! I have my suspicions that it may have been Thomas. We had been warned by the homeowners that gifts are often delivered but this was our first one and hopefully the last one!


A very rainy Sunday here, so a day spent mostly inside reading, cooking and relaxing in front of the fire, because we can and a fire is just lovely!


  1. Love those old vehicles. I'm like a bit of a headache today, so just going to church and then spending the rest of the day quietly. It's cloudy, overcast, so should be a great day for rest.

  2. Hi Janice, great to have stumbled upon your blog! I have spent quite a bit of time in NZ over the years, but haven't been to these parts, so it's great to see. My husband & I are just about to venture into housesitting also and about to emark on first one in South Australia - 2 weeks in the Adelaide Hills! cheers Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, I'm sure you will enjoy housesitting. It's a great way to have a holiday.
