Monday, 19 June 2017

Yellowstone National Park

We had two wonderful days travelling through this beautiful park. I took so many photos, it's going to be hard to choose ones to post here. There was some snow still in parts and it was cold but we also saw many wildflowers too. We did see some wildlife including black bears, bison, moose, elk and deer. We stayed at two different locations, the Canyon Lodge and Old Faithful Inn. The Lodge was fairly new and very nice but the Inn was my favourite as it was old and rustic in parts but had lots of charm, a beautiful building.



 We saw the Old Faithful Geyser go off 3 times and it is an attraction but there are also many more wonderful sights to see throughout the Park.





There was no wifi for two days but that was kind of nice.


  1. I loved Yellowstone and stayed in the Old Faithful Lodge and thought it was really great! Love your pictures and look forward to more. :-)

    1. We loved it DJan, totally different to National Parks in Australia.
