Tuesday, 4 April 2017

A visit to the old Quarantine Station

During our stay in Sydney, we decided to visit the old Sydney Quarantine Station which operated from 1832 to 1984, so we took a ferry across the harbour to Manly and then a short bus ride to the Station. It's on quite a bit of land, so lots of walking around to view all the old buildings and relics on display. Apparently, you can even stay there which would be interesting and it's in a fantastic position on North Head, so great views across the harbour.


Any immigrant arriving in Sydney who might have had an infectious disease was quarantined here until they were cleared. We read that most people considered this a 'holiday' as they were looked after, fed, entertained and even had a beach for swimming.


Back in those days, there were the different classes on ships and so the Station was set up with the different precincts, first, second and third class precincts. The first class passengers had a nice dining room with lovely crockery but the poor old third class passengers had a much different experience.





A walk down to the wharf to view the relics wouldn't be complete without a visit to the toilets, no guessing here as to which one to go in!


1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! I also wouldn't have misunderstood the right loo to use. :-)
