Monday, 27 April 2015

Brisbane Today

We have been home now for almost two weeks and just been getting back into normal life and that includes our volunteer work which we both really enjoy.
We fly down to Canberra in a few weeks to see the family and cuddle the grandchildren, really looking forward to that! Then in June, we are off again to spend 2-3 months in Europe.

It was a beautiful day today in Brisbane, about 26C (78F) and only 33 days to go until winter officially starts. Fortunately, Brisbane does have a great winter. I had a lovely long walk along the river this afternoon, just wonderful.





  1. No grass is growing under your feet! I look forward to pictures of your travels in the days and months ahead. :-)

  2. I'll just say, I'm not sure why you are leaving such a beautiful place to travel off to Europe. 2-3 months is quite a trip, so it should be really enjoyable. I'll look forward to pictures, Janice.

  3. Just a teensy bit envious of your trip coming up! The water in the first photo is so pretty and clear. It looks like the Caribbean.
